Hiked for nepal: Champadevi Hills

On 12th Nov, I joined the amazing folks from Hike For Nepal for a day hike to Champadevi Hills. It was a great hike with a nice weather accompanied with some beautiful landscapes. Perfect recipe for a good hike.

Chamadevi Hills

Like every other hikes, this one also helped me think deeply and contemplate about a number of things. Among them, most of my energy was spent on thinking about the hike itself. Meta Thinking BAMM!!! Most of it was directed towards how can we use Hike for Nepal to create some positive impact, possibly in the hiking location, during the hike. How can we bring some positive change, slowly and steadily.

One of the things that I noticed, the hike was full of well educated Nepalese who were decently well off (approximately 1 out of 5 had a DSLR, everyone had a pretty good camera phone). This was a great group of people, possibly a specific group that could do a lot for the community. Another topic that bugged me considerably during the hike was all the plastic packaging that was littered over the place. It was sad, how ignorant we have been towards our environment. From Wai-Wai packets to empty bottles everywhere. The first thing that we could definitely do to fight this is by cleaning the mountains and hills during our hikes. I did my part during the hike and we did something similar in one of our hikes in the Bavarian Alps.

The question that I would like to ask is, how can we scale this idea of cleaning the mountains during our hike? How do we scale it from one person to the whole group. The biggest benefit of this would be that hikers would learn to clean the mountains and take back their own garbage with them. Thus, ensuring the mountains to be clean, the nature to be serene and experiences to be breathtaking.

Finally, I would like to remind one of the rules from the Golden Rules for Living

If you open it, close it. If you turn it on, turn it off. If you unlock it, lock it up. If you break it, admit it. If you can’t fix it, call in someone who can. If you borrow it, return it. If you value it, take care of it. If you make a mess clean it up. If you move it, put it back. If it belongs to someone else and you want to use it, get permission. If you don’t know how to operate it, leave it alone. If it’s none of your business, don’t ask questions. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. If it will brighten someone’s day, say it. If it will tarnish someone’s reputation, keep it to yourself. — Found somewhere in the vast vast internet, Source unknown