Unhackable Websites: Super-Awesome-Stition

You have been warned, do not take this seriously.

There are many ways that a website can be hacked, more ways than one can possibly count, more ways than one can keep track of. Technology can be confusing, it can be tough, especially with so many different standards, so many weird languages, useless tooling around them. And on top of that, so many ugly developers, who write code that make them look like Miss/Mister Universe. I have been a part of this system for a long time; I used to be an ugly developer, now I am not ugly anymore (HAHA!).

Anyways, I have finally found the solution, the magic to make your web application UNHACKABLE! The solution has been adopted from an ancient mystic (greater-)Indian tradition. It has been saving businesses from losses, trucks from accidents and buildings from falling down for centuries. It should have been obvious from the beginning, that this was the only possible way to make software stable, to make hardware stable, to bring balance to the force.

Are you excited to know about this impressive technology? Without further ado, the magical solution





![Lemon Chilli](/img/lemon-chilli.gif)

Yes! Yes! Its Chilies and Lemon tied on a thread. It is used by a lot of shops and trucks in Nepal and India (and possibly more countries in surrounding areas) to keep away bad omen from businesses and bring in good luck, and more money!!

I personally think it’s a fun way of adding some personal touch to websites, to add some humor to it as well. Maybe amazon would like to use it on their website some day, it might just bring them more customers ;).